“Thanks so much. It was super helpful and encouraging.” – Kezi
Get one-on-one advice and feedback on your travel writing from our expert tutors, delivered at your convenience. We offer three options…
- Online critique: We can provide a written critique on a piece of your writing up to 1,000 words long. This offers an incredibly useful line-by-line analysis and can be done for a stand-alone text or an extract from a longer work. This service is delivered online: you email us a text, and we email back a written critique within two weeks of receiving it. To book it, please use the button below.
- Book project advice: We can provide one-to-one advice on a book-length project, customised to suit your needs. This service is delivered via one or more hour-long skype calls, allowing in-depth exploration of your project. It can include a conceptual discussion of your ideas, themes, material and structure; or a progress review of the whole project, including chapter breakdown, creative issues, project management and any problems; or detailed feedback on a sample chapter. These options can be booked as you go, using the button below. (NB we cannot offer a textual critique of an entire manuscript.)
- Face-to-face mentoring: We can provide one-day or half-day training with one of our tutors, based on your requirements and exploring the topics you really care about. This can include your writing aims and plans, practical assignments and feedback, commercial advice on entering the market, or any other relevant subject. It can be customised to any level. Typically we offer this in London or nearby, priced at £350/half-day or £500/day. To discuss your personal requirements, please email us on info@travellerstales.org.
- Online learning: if you would like to hear about online training when we launch it, please join our email list.
You can book any of these services as gifts for friends and family too.